The Legend of
the Silent Accordion

The Legend of the Silent Accordion

Alessandro Pace

Subject and Script
Renato Pace e Alessandro Pace

Original Music
Giuseppe Di Benedetto

Fausto Fori, Francesca Romana Verzaro, Francesco Serena, Bruno Bendoni, Nicole Ferrari, Marco Grilli, Francesca Mazzoni, Serena Di Marco, Cristina Allodoli, Sabrina Galassi, Christian Vicari, Luca Bombardi, Bianca Donà, Paolo Zanzi, Elena Leotti e Maria Grazia Vannini

Direction Assistance and Edition Administration
Sara Galliano

Assistant Director
Giulia Cesari

Alessandro Pace

Camera Operator
Lorenzo Castagnoli

Assistant Camera Operator
Giulia Pugliese

Alessandro Pace e Lorenzo Castagnoli

Post-Production and Color Correction
Daniele Pellegrini

Make-up and Hair
Samantha Giannotta e Chiara Pappi

Shot in 4K
MDP Red One

Copy for Cinema Projection

Magic comes, in the form of a musical instrument, to a village populated by weird people who do nothing but quarrel, steal and get drunk.

A melancholic and curious wayfarer observes the deeds of the people who live in that place until he gets directly involved in them. A series of events will lead him to meet three fabulous figures who had just reached that village. With their magical harmony, they will try to make him change his opinion of the world.

“It’s a fairy tale in black and white.”

A homage to silent films of the 20s with due references to German expressionism and Charlie Chaplin; a poetical vicissitude with sympathique, grotesque or sad characters, aimed at making the audience smile and think at the same time.